There are five components of Information System.
1. Hardware
2. Software
3. Database
4. Network
5. People
These components inetgrate together to perform input, process, output, feedback and control.
Now lets break it down.
Components 1 and 2 are the physical interfaces of your system. People will use hardware, such as scanners, computer mouse, keyboard, card readers, microphones, motion sensors - basically anything physical that will allow a person to interact.
By interacting input is received by the hardware to allow software to process and database to store this input. This is mainly done using an existing network of muliple devices (servers etc).
Common uses of Management Software
1. Business Invoiceing Programs
2. Asset Management Software
3. Customer Relationship Management
4. Word Processing programs
(src: https://www.proofhub.com/articles/best-business-management-software)
What sort of softwares are recommended for a management system?
Take SAP Business One for example. This software can manage critical business functions accross sales, distribution, financials, manufacturing and CRM (Customer Relationship Management) all integrated into one system.