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Focus Marketing Solutions Official Website


Content Management System: Craft CMS

Template: Twig, Bootstrap

Code: Twig, PHP, HTML, Js



Focus Marketing Solutions



October 2022 - Present

Currently working on planning, designing and building Focus Marketing Solutions' official website at 

We've started of by registering a domain, getting a suitable hosting plan that supports file services, MySQL database, email accounts, webmail service that will enable our client to get custom emails under domain.

At this stage, the project is at almost 50% completion with all the basic backend coding completed to ensure our trusty Craft CMS can talk to our template created from a HTML 5 bootstrap template.

What I love about Craft CMS is that I can build a customized user-friendly back end interface for my client to log in anytime and post updates, news, images etc. directly without having the need to come through a web developer for basic updates. 

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